
Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

As I start writing this, a partial lunar eclipse is taking place and my cell phone is constantly vibrating thanks to all those New Year wishes. Okay I get the point its 2010. We have only two more years to live thanks to the Hollywood flick 2012.

I can’t believe ten years have passed since all of my cousins from Dads side stayed over for a sleep over just to watch the millennium celebrations on telly and it was so kind of my parents to let us watch it in there master bed while they slept in my room. Ah! Sweet memories.

So another year has passed by and 31st December 2009 marked my Dada’s (Paternal Granddad’s) 39th death anniversary. The only reason that stops me from going outside to party. 2010 has started and how lucky we are that it’s a Friday and our country’s major population will attend the mosque for Friday prayers. I hope our molvi’s ask dua for our country’s brighter future, peace and prosperity other than the cliché dua for the destruction of US of A.

Back when I was a little kid my Dad once called me into his bedroom at exactly this time and told me that “what lies in the future is unseen but it can be foreseen and predicted by one’s hard work and commitment”( i am sure we all have heard that). At that time I didn’t understood what my dad meant by that but some how the words just got saved in the thing that some times we refer to as brain. Over the years the true meaning started to unfold in front of me and now that 2010 has started I believe that it’s been fully unfolded and I make a commitment to myself that Inshallah this year will not be wasted like all those past years.
Oh @#$^! Power cut. I wish we hadn’t gone all against the governments’ rental power plants scheme, it was a good project to over come the deficit of electricity but then it’s our nature. We judge to conclusions before going into details.

In the end I wish all of u a very happy 2010 and may all your dreams come true. While I typed this out of the blue I thought about the people who used to print greeting cards.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I can't believe ten years flew by so fast. It seems just like yesterday that me and friends were discussing the Y2K thing and how it was going to be the end of the world (again). Time flies, and it does so like a jet airplane.

    Talha A. B.
